It's Simple! Love. Serve. Grow.
Welcome, and thank you for visiting Pine Ridge Ministries online. Whether you live in or near beautiful Crook County, Wyoming or if you are traveling through (perhaps on your way to Devils Tower National Monument) and are looking to encounter God, you may have just found what you are looking for! We invite you to browse through our website and explore the opportunities through Pine Ridge Ministries that may just help you to encounter the living God - perhaps through His creation, or His Word, or His people...
Simple Country Family
When sharing in life and fellowship with the people of Pine Ridge Ministries, you will experience a genuine sense of family, a basic sense of what it means to be country, and an intentional simplicity. At Pine Ridge Ministries, we are committed to being a simple community of faith learning to love and serve God and neighbor while growing together, through the Holy Spirit as one body of Christ. It is our prayer that each and every person at Pine Ridge Ministries has a sense of belonging and being loved just as they are.
Worship services are held at 10:00 AM on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month at Pine Ridge Community Church, 17117 US Highway 14, Carlile, Wyoming. Purposeful and simple events are held on the other Sundays of the month. Please see the Calendar page for more details.

From Pastor Shayla...
“As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.” Proverbs 27:19, NIV

On winter nights, a serene, beautiful, and favorite memory comes to my mind. I was a teenager. It was nearing midnight on New Year’s Eve. There was a thick layer of snow on the ground. And there was a full moon in a crystal-clear sky. The combination of moonlight and glistening snow made for a magical scene. Light as bright as day illuminated the landscape. A midnight blue hue shone across the heavens.
What always strikes me about this scene, or the many other times that I have seen something similar, is that the snow is simply reflecting the light of the moon. And the moon is simply reflecting the light of the sun. The snow is not making light of its own. The moon is not making light of its own. The sun is the source of the light. The beauty of the moment was all a matter of the sun shining brightly and all of creation reflecting it.
​​Perhaps the beautiful life and world we long for might be realized by simply reflecting the light of the Son. First John 4:19 says, “We love because He first loved us.” Additionally, we can be gracious to others because God in Christ has been gracious to us. We can be kind to others because He’s been kind to us. Forgiving. Patient. Compassionate.
When we, like the moon or the snow, simply “receive” the light – receive God’s love, grace, kindness, etc. – our world is illuminated by God’s goodness. And when we reflect it, others begin to reflect it. And sooner or later, the landscape of our lives is lit like a New Year’s Eve night.
May God’s goodness be reflected in you and I today as moonlight off of the winter’s snow…

With love in Christ,
Pastor Shayla