Ministry & Events

April 2020 -
Click here to see how our Easter tradition, "Blossoming of the Cross," took on a varied form this year. ​​​
2020 "Blossoms"
Firewood Ministry
January 2020 -
In service to the wider community, PRM family members worked to warm the hearts and homes of those who might need extra help for the winter. Firewood was cut and split, and is available for any who might have need. Please contact us for further information.
VBS in a Bag

July 2020 -
Vacation Bible School also took on a varied form this year - "VBS in a Bag!" Family-friendly lessons, crafts, and activities were prepared so that families might share the faith-packed VBS experience together.
Prayer Ravine - PRCC

July 2020 -
We are grateful to all who provided labor or donations so that we might create this beautiful space for prayer. Please do stop by Pine Ridge Community Church check out the space and perhaps spend some quiet time in prayer!

Christmas Eve by the Fire

Christmas Eve 2020 -
With warm goodies and warm fires, we celebrated the birth of Jesus in a simple, yet extraordinary way. And for those who were unable to be out in the elements, we were able to stream the service through the radio. Thank you to everyone who made it possible. And many thanks to our Amazing God who gave us a most beautiful Christmas evening - clear skies, mild temperatures, no wind, and even a few inches of snow on the ground. We experienced the extraordinary - and our extraordinary God - right in the midst of the ordinary.

A Visible Reminder of God's Faithfulness
Spring 2021 -
During Holy Week of 2020, we "blossomed the cross" in a unique way: rather than placing flowers in a cross during our Easter Sunrise Service, we placed fabric ties on a cross that perched outside for any who wished to celebrate the resurrection. That very special week has been commemorated in a very special way. Nancy Allison used every single piece of fabric on that cross and created a beautiful piece of art - a quilted wall hanging that now hangs at Pine Ridge Community Church. We are so grateful to Nancy for using her creative gifts to help us remember a very special celebration.

2021 VBS - Cabin Fever

June 2021 -
Cabin Fever - A Deep Woods Encounter with Jesus
We had such a fun week! From daily lessons in a hunting tent, to true fish stories, to a bear hunt. And what VBS isn't full of crafts, snacks, skits, and music? Best of all, we learned how much Jesus loves us and wants us to draw near to Him and tell others about Him.

5 Year Celebration &
Open House

August 15, 2021 -
5 Years! We have been worshiping together for five years at Pine Ridge Community Church. We are grateful to God for His provision. We are grateful to the community surrounding Pine Ridge Community Church for allowing us to worship in such a simple yet beautiful space. We are grateful to all who make Pine Ridge Ministries a place of love and belonging. We are grateful to all who have contributed to sustaining the work of Pine Ridge Ministries.
Prayer Space Dedication

August 15, 2021 -
"Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I for You have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe."
Psalm 62:1
A prayer has been answered. When PRM participants built the prayer space behind Pine Ridge Community Church, it was our prayer that many would find it a rejuvenating space for refuge and encounter with God. We have heard from many that that is indeed the case. By the grace and glory of God, it is a holy place. Any and all are invited to engage in some quiet and holy reflection.

Christmas Eve Service
& Bonfire

Christmas Eve 2021 -
It's becoming a tradition! The events of 2020 made us rethink our Christmas celebration, and it turns out we loved the revamp! Our 2021 Christmas Eve service was once again filled with warm goodies and a warm fire, song to fill the soul, and the good news of Christ's incarnation. , God gave us a beautiful evening to worship Him and celebrate the birth of His son - the Savior of the world.

"Greatest Hits of the Faith"

July 2022 -
It was a wonderful evening of fellowship and toe tappin' fun! We started with a potluck supper and making good memories around the table. Then we joined upstairs to hear Karl Heimbuck share with us the "Greatest Hits of the Faith" and the stories behind them. We heard some of our old favorite hymns and new ones too. It was enlightening to hear the progression of church music through the ages and both enjoyable and inspiring to witness Karl's talent.
2022 VBS - God is Awesome!

June 2022 -
Another year of Vacation Bible School is in the books! In the southwestern desert we discovered that God indeed is great, powerful, glorious, victorious, and King over all!
Through the events of Jesus' life and ministry, we learned just how awesome God is. And as we were on the lookout in our own lives, we indeed found the truth of God's awesomeness. From song to recreation, , skits, to snack, we had fun and found good reason to worship the God of Jesus Christ!

Firewood Ministry

November 2022 -
"It's Simple! Love. Serve. Grow." It was a blustery day, but the work warmed our bodies and souls. PRM has cut firewood for anybody who might need a little extra for the winter. The firewood is cut and split, and is available. Please contact us for further information.
"Go Tell It On The Mountain!"

December 2022 -
Or "Go Tell It On Thorn Divide" - that's what we did! We had a blessed day of fellowship and caroling. Prayerfully our Carlile neighbors were blessed too as more than twenty of us sang Christmas songs at over a dozen houses. The best part of the day was the extra carolers that joined us along the way!

Baptism in Kara Creek

June 2023 -
It was a beautiful day for a baptism! In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we baptized a young lady, who is passionately devoted to Christ, in Inyan Kara Creek. The grace of God was witnessed to all of us many times on that day!
"Twists & Turns"

June 2023 -
"Following Jesus Changes the Game!" That was the theme for our 2023 Vacation Bible School. We are grateful to all who came, all who served, all who remain committed to following Jesus! It was a record-breaking year for attendance and a perfect week to enjoy God's good creation.
Washed in the Water

August 2023 -
Another beautiful day for noticing the transforming work of God in Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit. As a beloved member of our community was baptized, we were all reminded of the grace of God in new life in Christ - new life that is being renewed in every day that we submit to Him!